Storm the Norm – a review

Conceptualised and Edited by: Anisha Motwani Review by: NaSa I haven’t read much text on business and marketing for the simple reason that it becomes too technical for someone from a non-business background like me. But the other day, when I was on my ...Read More

‘Aligarh’ – a review

By NaSa Subject of ‘Aligarh’ I developed a kind of personal connect with the subject of the last two movies I saw – Airlift and Neerja. However, I can’t say the same thing about the movie in question, Aligarh. Homosexuality, the subject of the ...Read More

Turbulent Mind

By Ritu Dey Sick of a superficial smile I am tired of proving myself I need a shoulder to lean on I long to rest my turbulent mind   Outside I may be laughing with you Inside I am crying silently, all alone Outside ...Read More

Premature babies and medical care

“My cousin is a professional musician who performs in live shows. He has the height and physique that most of the boys of his age vie for. My motive is not to write a biography on him. I want to convey that no one ...Read More

Parenthood and you….

By NaSa In the movie ‘Shaadi ke side effects’ and many other such movies and real life situations you might have seen child rearing from the perspective of a mother and a father individually.  Many a times a small, simple thing as what clothes ...Read More


By Garima Jham What is self-motivation? In simple words, it is an internal drive that helps us to achieve goals and continually gives us the strength to learn and grow without any external support, especially support from other people. It is quite easy to ...Read More

Neerja – a movie review

By NaSa What is the essential ingredient of being a hero? It is the spirit to put before your life the lives of others who are not even related to you. Who’s a hero? The one who can do it. Neerja Bhanot could do ...Read More