By Vijay Gandhi
Women face many social challenges at present, whether it is dealing with domestic issues or with work related issues. A woman tries to secure an income for her family and sometimes, she even raises children amidst the harsh economic crisis. She plays many roles. However, be it in the village or city, office or school, public transport or public place, people have tried to abuse the soft/kind-hearted.
Both behind the doors and outside house, she has suffered a lot. She now needs open space to fly and wings that let her reach new heights. Will someone come forward and take necessary action, so that women are not abused anymore, anywhere?
Majority people consider cute little girls as angels but why do the men forget that the most caring gender is still at the receiving end in the present world? After all, they have helped everyone come on earth but many bear lot of pain before birth and suffer after they give birth. Why? These angels play multiple roles and they have time and again helped boys/men at all times; however, our society still has to go a long way to give her back what she deserves.
We all may agree that educating girls and investing in them can have a multiplier effect on productivity, efficiency and economic growth of the entire nation too. We must economically strengthen women and assist them by advancing their human rights. They need social security against abuse/rape, and the criminals must be punished harshly as soon as possible. Women need better counseling and health-facilities as well. One must remember that when all men cannot be wrong then all women cannot be wrong as well. All humans make mistakes but this excuse should not be allowed to continue for long. Guilty must be punished irrespective of gender. Circumstances make a human become criminal but we must educate our boys and see that they learn to respect females both young and old.
We must have more ladies-special public transport vehicles. Some police stations/ legal-assistance centers/PCR vans/health-centers should have all female-staff to keep a check on harassment kind of incidents. Anti-Romeo squad is a step in the right direction. Harassed but innocent men must be wondering whether they have laws for their safety as well. Let’s hope that good people are not made victims unnecessarily. No one should be able to take advantage of honest and respectable citizens in our society. Nonetheless, the guilty should be punished monetarily and should be sentenced to jail immediately after the offence has been proved. Justice should be provided within 90 days of any harassment incident.
When we help women and empower them, the whole society gets benefits. Families become healthier, children get good education and they learn how to effectively deal with society, income levels improve and communities become more prosperous.
We love our mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, and wife but why do we forget to respect those who are not related to us? They can be good friends for all and sundry, and even contribute to family/nation’s growth.
Going forward in India, women should not be denied their basic rights like health, education, employment and a respectable status in society. They should be brought out of shell of darkness, silence and powerlessness into the mainstream of development and should be given equal opportunities in all possible venues, where they can prove that they are no less than boys. Let them do all good things they have never done before, and then you will see that the world can become a much better place to live in.
Women Empowerment
By Vijay Gandhi
Women face many social challenges at present, whether it is dealing with domestic issues or with work related issues. A woman tries to secure an income for her family and sometimes, she even raises children amidst the harsh economic crisis. She plays many roles. However, be it in the village or city, office or school, public transport or public place, people have tried to abuse the soft/kind-hearted.
Both behind the doors and outside house, she has suffered a lot. She now needs open space to fly and wings that let her reach new heights. Will someone come forward and take necessary action, so that women are not abused anymore, anywhere?
Majority people consider cute little girls as angels but why do the men forget that the most caring gender is still at the receiving end in the present world? After all, they have helped everyone come on earth but many bear lot of pain before birth and suffer after they give birth. Why? These angels play multiple roles and they have time and again helped boys/men at all times; however, our society still has to go a long way to give her back what she deserves.
We all may agree that educating girls and investing in them can have a multiplier effect on productivity, efficiency and economic growth of the entire nation too. We must economically strengthen women and assist them by advancing their human rights. They need social security against abuse/rape, and the criminals must be punished harshly as soon as possible. Women need better counseling and health-facilities as well. One must remember that when all men cannot be wrong then all women cannot be wrong as well. All humans make mistakes but this excuse should not be allowed to continue for long. Guilty must be punished irrespective of gender. Circumstances make a human become criminal but we must educate our boys and see that they learn to respect females both young and old.
We must have more ladies-special public transport vehicles. Some police stations/ legal-assistance centers/PCR vans/health-centers should have all female-staff to keep a check on harassment kind of incidents. Anti-Romeo squad is a step in the right direction. Harassed but innocent men must be wondering whether they have laws for their safety as well. Let’s hope that good people are not made victims unnecessarily. No one should be able to take advantage of honest and respectable citizens in our society. Nonetheless, the guilty should be punished monetarily and should be sentenced to jail immediately after the offence has been proved. Justice should be provided within 90 days of any harassment incident.
When we help women and empower them, the whole society gets benefits. Families become healthier, children get good education and they learn how to effectively deal with society, income levels improve and communities become more prosperous.
We love our mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, and wife but why do we forget to respect those who are not related to us? They can be good friends for all and sundry, and even contribute to family/nation’s growth.
Going forward in India, women should not be denied their basic rights like health, education, employment and a respectable status in society. They should be brought out of shell of darkness, silence and powerlessness into the mainstream of development and should be given equal opportunities in all possible venues, where they can prove that they are no less than boys. Let them do all good things they have never done before, and then you will see that the world can become a much better place to live in.
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