Cool or Cold??

By NaSa. We are a funny set of people. We like to complain or comment about weather everyday with every one we meet. Our talks open with one of the statements like, ‘It’s so cold today,’ ‘It’s so hot today,’ ‘It’s so windy today,’ ...Read More

Airlift – a review

By NaSa One thing I want to make clear at the start itself that I am not going to dissect this movie with the knives of technicalities and perfection. Because situations cannot be perfect, reactions cannot be perfect neither could be emotions nor history ...Read More

‘Inception’ – a review

By Shoban Babu Happened to watch a rerun of Inception today and nothing could stop me from writing an accolade for Nolan for coming up with this masterpiece. What is the most resilient parasite? An Idea. Christopher Nolan in Inception flirts with a hypnagogic ...Read More

Why Suicide, V. Rohith?

By NaSa I just love my life and haven’t ever been able to understand why people commit suicides? Despite all kinds of happenings going on in the world around me, I thank God daily for giving me such a beautiful life. For me the ...Read More

Buy Experiences, Not Things

By Partha Choudhury Have you ever thought, the latest smartphone in the market has all the exciting features one needs, and buying it will exhilarate you? You do not care about the fact that, the gadget is overpriced, because the company has come up ...Read More