Generation fast and curious…

By NaSa When you raise a kid all on your own, you are going to experience two things for sure. The most difficult times and the most fun times. The last experience I shared in the blog ‘How Not to bring up a kid,’ ...Read More

Air pollution knows NO boundaries

By Ujjwala Thukral: If you are reading this article, it can only mean one thing: you are keen on knowing more about the culprits of air-pollution or you’ve stumbled across a review on an air purifier. I really appreciate your self-awareness and cheerful readiness ...Read More

Your teeth, your pride

Dental ailments are not new to us; there is always a sore here and an abscess there that can wreck your evening dinner plans. But just like any other physical ailment, dental ailments can also be easily treated or prevented. Let’s look at the ...Read More

Story of a ‘timid little guy from Odisha’

Guftagoo feels privileged to have crossed paths with the talented writer Prakash Guru, who’s a pharmacist by education and a banker by profession. Interesting already, isn’t it? The words ‘Prakash’ and ‘Guru’ literally means light and master respectively. And just like his name, Guru ...Read More