How Flower Remedies Can Be Used To Attract Positivity

Like yoga or meditation, Bach flower remedies may be a calming therapy. I used the cures myself, and the results helped me overcome my mental pain and strengthen my relationships at work and home. It has also assisted me in regaining my confidence.

The Bach Remedies

To make a flower remedy, choose flowers at their peak and place them in a spring water basin. Water left in direct sunlight for a few hours is said to take on the vitality of the flower after which it was named. The water is then stored in bottles and consumed in daily increments. These treatments have no discernible aroma, unlike essential oils.

Edward Bach, M.D., a British physician, developed Bach Flower Remedies in the 1930s. Over the years, Bach saw that his patients who were optimistic or upbeat were more likely to heal than those who were pessimistic or melancholy. This led him to conclude that sickness had spiritual roots. So, from then on, he spent all his time researching and making new treatments for mental pain.

Dr. Bach came up with a method of treatment that uses 38 different flower essences, one for each primary human emotion.

While there aren’t many studies on their effectiveness, these essences are often used to boost moods and banish bad vibes.

How to use these flowers?

When making a flower remedy, it is common to put a lot of different essences into one container to get the effect that the flower formula says is needed.

  • Gather 3-4 flower essences that speak to you and a 1-ounce glass dropper container.
  • Add four drops of each essence to spring water and fill the rest of the bottle. Lightly shake.
  • Put four drops of this mixture onto your tongue four times a day.

Flower remedies to start with

Here are few of the essence to start with

Star of Bethlehem

This flower is connected with grieving, loss, and unhappiness.


This flower is considered to help alleviate sorrowful memories that cause unfavorable expectations.


Centaury’s mission is to assist individuals in putting themselves first. It’s aimed at those who have difficulty saying no.


Chicory may help with emotional stability, allowing you to love without fear of abandonment.


Heather may help people who make decisions because they are afraid of being alone; it can be used to start the process of transforming loneliness into independence and discovering completeness within oneself.


Pine may aid with self-acceptance and attracting the type of love you genuinely deserve.


Water Violet

Water Violet is said to help individuals open up and become more magnetic in relationships.

Based on my own experience, I believe Bach Flower treatments are worth a go. Close your eyes, put your complete confidence in Bach remedies, and experience the transformation.