Zindagi Live

Indian Democracy & Diversity

By NaSa India, the world’s largest democracy, has just turned 70. In these 70 years, this democracy has changed beyond recognition from what she was in her baby years. But change in something can only be called constructive one if it doesn’t let its ...Read More

The Game of Words!

By NaSa If you observe little children closely, you’ll realize they have more to offer in terms of philosophy and life than books. They live simple. They live real. Because they don’t yet know what’s unreal. One such observation made me come up with ...Read More


By Garima Jham What is self-motivation? In simple words, it is an internal drive that helps us to achieve goals and continually gives us the strength   to learn and grow without any external support, especially support from other people. It is quite easy to ...Read More

5 signs he’s the one for you

By Garima Jham Is he the one for you? Well, this won’t be a baffling question anymore. You started as friends and landed up in long term commitment. There are certain attributes a man displays when he’s completely smitten, that may or may not ...Read More